سوف يتم تحويلك الي الرابط المطلوب توجه للأسفل......
او اقرء الخبر كامل بالاسفل
او اقرء الخبر كامل بالاسفل
جاري فحص الرابط من اي مشاكل...
إنتظر قليلا للحصول علي الرابط المطلوب
خلال أيام.. موعد صرف معاشات شهر إبريل 2024 رسميًا بالزيادة الجديدة قبل إجازة عيد الفطر
investors, institutions and banks, exchange, speculate on, buy and sell world currencies. Trading is conducted over the ‘interbank market’, an online channel through which currencies are traded 24 hours a day, five days a week. Forex is one of the largest financial markets, with an estimated global daily turnover of more than US$5 trillion.
Forex trading works the same way as any other asset trading — you buy low and sell high. And as long as the price is growing, that’s easy. The downward markets, however, are much more interesting.
In order to trade on a downward trend, you need to short-sell assets. Short selling means borrowing some assets from a third party, selling them, buying them back later and returning the borrowed amount. If the price lowers between selling and buying, you will make money.
Of course, it is not that simple. If you will only rely on luck and intuition, you will most likely lose. Forex is very ruthless, especially if you are using leverage, so you need to know what you are doing. Luckily, there are great newb-friendly Forex trading strategies like Price Action trading and “Lazy River” scalping.